Giving Tuesday is a global movement created to give people the opportunity to do good. On Tuesday November 29th Memorial Health Foundation will take part in their second ever Giving Tuesday.
Last year Memorial Health Foundation participated in Giving Tuesday for the first time ever and surpassed all expectations. MHF set a lofty initial goal of raising $100,000, and by late afternoon the goal had been surpassed and extended to $150,000 from 250 donors in just one day. We are grateful to the 253 community members and Memorial Health System team members who helped us raise over $196,029.79, nearly doubling our initial goal.
David Haas, President of Morrison Inc. and Board Chairperson for Memorial Health Foundation said, “We at Morrison are pleased to have served the Mid-Ohio Valley for 60 years. As a local company, we value our community health care. Memorial Health System has offered world-class health care, right here at home since the 1920s.”
Join Memorial Health Foundation in making a difference in the lives of our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. On Tuesday November 29th you have the chance to help Memorial Health Foundation provide world class care to our community.
For 40 years, Memorial Health Foundation, a not-for-profit organization, has been dedicated to building a healthier community through education, special patient assistance funds, charity care, state-of-the-art medical equipment, and funding to areas where the need is greatest throughout the Memorial Health System and our community.
But we can't do this alone. We are so grateful for our generous benefactors. With your help, we can continue to provide world-class healthcare close to home. Learn more about our team, additional ways to give, and more here!