Community Health and Wellness
Our goal is to provide services and programs that encourage and support healthy living and wellness for everyone in the communities that we serve. With our program, LiveMemorialWell, serving as the backbone of our department, we strive to be your partner in health. We hope to provide education, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement as you learn new things, eat better, move more, and share your passions with others.
- Our Outreach Educator organizes and facilitates educational programs for various patient and community groups, as well as for businesses and organizations. Our team coordinates the logistics for health fairs/community benefit activities and schedules speakers for a variety of topics. If you are interested in hosting a speaker for your group or would like to request our participation in your community activity/health fair, complete the corresponding form below:
- We also host weekly and monthly screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar, weight, and pulse oximetry
- Monthly hearing screenings are available for community members aged 55 and older
- To learn more about our weekly and monthly screenings, visit our Classes and Events page.
Exercise Classes
Our Fitness and Wellness Specialists lead group exercise classes every Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m., at the Broughton Medical Building at 210 North 7th Street in Marietta, Ohio. We teach a variety of workout styles including: cardio, strength training with free weights, bodyweight training, balance, flexibility, and more!
- Open to all community members aged 18 and over
- $10 per month for unlimited classes, or $5 drop-in fee per class (first class is free!)
- No charge for Memorial Health System employees and volunteers
- Class level is intermediate/advanced
- Call (740) 568-5380 for additional details or to find out about beginner classes
Matter of Balance Classes
During this class, we will teach you the skills you need to reduce your fear of falling, as well as ways to enhance your strength and balance.
- No cost to participate
- 4-week program, Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 a.m. – Noon
- Located at: 330 East Eighth Street, Conference Room A at Wayne Street Medical Campus in Marietta, Ohio
- Classes offered multiple times per year
- Call (740) 374-1799 for information on upcoming classes and to register
Belpre Diabetes Exercise Program
Our free diabetes exercise program is located at the Belpre Medical Campus at 803 Farson Street in Belpre, Ohio.
- Free 6-week small group class for patients with Type I or Type II diabetes
- Virtual classes now available
- Established curriculum with gradual progression of exercises
- Learn how exercise can reduce your blood sugar levels while working towards healthy lifestyle changes
- Patients must have a referral from a provider (such as a primary care provider) to participate
- Call (740) 423-3636 for information on upcoming classes and to enroll
Pre- and Post-natal Coaching and Group Classes
These classes, located at the Belpre Medical Campus at 803 Farson Street in Belpre, Ohio address the physical, mental, and emotional health needs before, during, and after pregnancy.
Learn about exercise, rest and recovery, self-care, and sleep for the pre-and post-natal mother, as well as nutritional needs during all stages. Other topics addressed include conditions involving:
- Prenatal:
- Pelvic, hip, and back pain
- Pelvic girdle and sacroiliac joint pain
- Baby spinning
- Post-partum:
- Diastasis recti
- Incontinence
- Pelvic floor pain/issues
- C-section scar massage
- Prolapse
Group classes:
- 6 weeks, with a focus on the three phases of the postpartum journey (the acute phase, subacute phase, and delayed phase)
- No cost to participate
- Patients must have medical clearance from a provider to participate
For more information on upcoming group classes, to inquire about individual coaching (cost required), or to enroll, please call (740) 423-3636.