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Allied Health Clinical Rotations

Clinical rotations for our partnering Allied Health Programs provide students in related programs the opportunity to obtain hands on experience in a professional setting, and the opportunity to refine and perfect the skills they have gained in the classroom.

How to Request a Clinical Rotation

  • All requests must be submitted by the educational institution on a Student Roster via email to our Student Coordinator at
  •  For requests to be accepted, forms must be fully completed (i.e., accurate dates, location/unit are specified)
  • Course description or syllabus outlining the students’ clinical expectations must accompany each request to be considered
  • Each student must complete a Clinical Rotation Form
  • If placement is predetermined, the educational institution must submit their request at least one month in advance
  • If placement is not already determined, the educational institution must submit their request at least three months in advance

Memorial Health System is a nationally recognized, community driven healthcare system delivering world-class patient care right here at home. We are a place for learning, growing, and building the career and life you want.